Relationships. Empowerment. Activities. Community. Health.

Day Program

Open Monday - Friday 8:00a-4:30p

Activities include: Social Outings, Social Skills, Games, Exercise, Life Skills and so much more!

Employment Program

Utilizing each participant’s individualized employment strategy, we will work with their family, friends, and support team to help them REACH their full potential, goals, and live their best life.

Support Us

Your tax deductible donation will help build our program, purchase supplies & equipment, hire & train staff, and assist with our administrative costs.

What is REACH?

REACH provides experiences and activities for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our day program helps our participants build relationships, learn employment & life skills, do fun activities, get involved in the community, and learn healthy habits in fun ways.

REACH also supports families who need PAC hours (Participant Assistance Care). We operate our PAC services with a “friends and family” attitude. Families identify who their PAC support person is and REACH will train, pay, and monitor goal progress.

We are an Indiana Medicaid service provider for Day Program & PAC. We also accept self-pay individuals.

Mission & Vision

REACH Columbus, Inc. will provide adult individuals with disabilities a sense of worth, identity, and community contribution by offering individualized programming, training, and support.

We will develop systemic change in our community that will lead to opportunities for every adult with a disability that allows them to utilize their unique skills and abilities, whether it is in the workplace, volunteering, or in community service.

Gaining Independence
